Uniform can be purchased through Audrey in our office. Pop in on a Wednesday or Thursday or email her on office@ireby.cumbria.sch.uk.

It is expected that all children at Ireby CE Primary School wear a school uniform, which is as follows:

All children

  • A maroon sweatshirt/cardigan or hooded top with school logo available to purchase from school.
  • A white polo shirt/white shirt. 
  • Black school shoes.


  • Plain grey or black long trousers or shorts.


  • Grey or black skirt, pinafore, tailored culottes or trousers.
  • Plain grey or black tights. 
  • During the summer weather, the girls may wear a blue checked dress.


  • Full length plain, dark tracksuit bottoms or plain dark shorts.
  • Blue t-shirt (to be provided by the school).
  • Trainers (to be left at school).


  • Children should not come to school with dyed hair or nail varnish.  If children have their ears pierced, for safety reasons, only studs should be worn. These should be removed for PE or covered with plasters/tape (provided by parents).
  • No other jewellery other than watches may be worn.

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